This firm financial standing is stable, already realized durative gain.
该公司财务状况稳定, 已实现持续性赢利.
——期刊摘选And, yahoo financial standing is dovish, ba Ci is in strong position in the negotiation.
而且, 雅虎财务状况稳健, 巴茨在谈判中处于有力地位.
互联网We would like you to enquire into Nettleton's financial standing on our behalf.
——期刊摘选We refer you to our bank for a statement about our financial standing.
互联网Two a financial standing namely the business enterprise repay debt, operate, accrual ability.
二是财务状况即企业的偿债 、 营运 、 获利能力.
互联网The bankers have a high regard for their operating ability and financial standing.
互联网Do you know anything about the financial standing of this company?
你知道有关这家公司的财务状况 吗 ?
互联网In respect of financial standing, this firm is reliable.
在资信方面, 这家商行还是很可靠的.
互联网Clerk : Good, but you must show your financial standing.
好的, 但你必须提供一份资信材料.
互联网Good financial standing and efficient capital.
互联网As for our financial standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Wenzhou Branch.
关于我方的财务状况, 请向中国银行温州分行查询.
互联网As to our credit and financial standing , we can refer you to the Bank of Chin.
互联网You can see from this report that we enjoy a very solid financial standing.
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